I-Shine Cleaning Services

Contact Us

T: 0208 460 5174

E: info@i-shinecleaning.co.uk

General Cleaning Services

General cleaning is carried out once only and allows to put in order your placement or a building which has pollution of almost any complexity.

General cleaning is carried out by a team formed of 1-20 employees (depending on type of works: apartment, shopping mall, hotel, shop) under the direction of the manager.

General cleaning is provided with professional equipment and specialized cleaners only. Those allow removing pollution from a surface, easily clean surfaces from inveterate stains of any kind, to restore a surface and to put sheeting.

General Cleaning Services in London

The tasks of any general cleaning are individual, but there is the general scheme defining an order of cleaning works:

  • Vacuum general cleaning of carpet
  • Floor damp cleaning by means of the service cart and special detergents
  • Door blocks rubbing
  • Rubbing of horizontal surfaces of desktops without documents moving, removing of a dust and pollution from other part

Complex general cleaning and disinfection of toilets, bathrooms

  • Floor mopping – general cleaning
  • Door blocks washing – general cleaning
  • Cleaning and polishing of mirrors and glass surfaces
  • Cleaning of tiled walls, lavatory pans, urns, accessories
  • Cleaning of bowls and external parts of admissions
  • Trash removal and trash bins cleaning
  • Trash carrying out
  • Removal of local pollution from armchair legs
  • Removal of a dust and local pollution from mirror and glass surfaces
  • Removal of a dust and pollution from window sills, windows washing, cleaning of the open surfaces of cupboards, nightstands, a leather upholstery of furniture, appliances and office equipment, switches, desk lamps, decorative products, outlets and frames
  • Removal of a dust from plinths
  • Rubbing shoe-polish devices and its supports
  • Removal of steady pollution from any type of the floor
  • Damp general cleaning of floors with a firm covering (linoleum, a natural or artificial stone, a tile, parquet)
  • Removal of local pollution from moisture resistant walls
  • Polishing of wooden and glass interior surfaces
  • Removal of a snuff or fat from the gas-stoves, extracts, grease catchers and other kitchen equipment
  • Removal of an oxide and restoration of copper, brass, bronze products
  • Removal of dust and pollution from eaves and Venetian blinds
  • Vacuum cleaning of upholstered furniture

Before the beginning of general cleaning the manager of our company estimates the amount of works and gives you the business offer considering all your requirements, wishes, terms, specificity of works.

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